“Your wisdom, your magic runs deeper than you think” -Jacquie Compton Contact Email: jacquie@thegroundedheart.comLocation: Toronto, ON “Please note that I am currently not accepting new therapy clients and my waitlist is closed at this time.” Name * First Name Last Name Email * Message * Thank you for connecting with me.Please note, that my practice is currently full and I am not accepting new clients at this time. I am currently accepting clients seeking SP experiential sessions and accepting clients for supervision and consultation. If you are a past client seeking service please email directly.Below is a list of directories that may support you. Sensorimotor Psychotherapists: https://sensorimotorpsychotherapy.org/therapist-directory/BIPOC Therapists: https://www.healingincolour.com/Thank you and be well. With gratitude, Jacquie