Jacquie Compton, RCAT, RP, also offers support in the form of mentorship, consultation and supervision.
Consultation is offered in the following areas:
Art Therapy
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
Body-Based Practices
Somatic Therapy
Trauma-Informed Practice
Group Therapy
Working with Complex Trauma and Dissociation
Anti-Oppressive and Anti-Racist Practice
Vicarious Trauma
Acts of Care
Consultation is also offered in workshop format with special themes and topics specifically created for organizations, agencies, universities, and hospitals.
Consultation and Supervision
Support and guidance is offered to therapists, counsellors and mental health workers in developing and nurturing a clinical, mindful, reflective, engaging, creative, embodied and sustainable approach to their practice.
Supervision is also offered to art therapy students, emerging therapists, and qualifying registered psychotherapists.
Jacquie is Certified Advanced Practitioner in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy an approved SP Consultant and SP instructor with the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute. She provides Sensorimotor experiential sessions for individuals in SP training and consultation sessions. Jacquie is enrolled as an intern in the SP Consultation program and provides consultation under SP mentorship.
Both individual or group consultation/supervision is available at this time.
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Consultation and Mentoring
“As a sensorimotor psychotherapist and art therapist I am so interested in the wisdom of our creative beings.
I am interested in stories but even more curious and in awe of the storyteller and how our stories are expressed through our bodies.
We can’t leave the body out of our healing, it holds us, it holds our stories and our wisdom. ”